Art Direction, Survey Research, Illustration, Brand Identity, Environmental Graphic Design

Showcase XenceLab drawing tablets at the ADRC and gather student feedback for Texas State's School of Art and Design.

Created a small ad campaign, with ads, flyers, and signage focused on the limited time XenceLab demo at the ADRC while also crafting a survey to gauge student interest in the tablets for the School of Art and Design.

Target Audience

We were looking to get the opinions of Art and Design students, more specifically from Art Studio and Communication Design Majors. These students would be the ones most likely to use to use the drawing tablets from their day to day as a part of their major.

XenceLab Poster Ad

Dimensions: 11″×17″

Created to be displayed throughout the Joann Cole Mitte (JCM) Art Building, the poster encouraged students to visit the ADRC and experience the new XenceLab Tablets.

Posters were designed with subtle left and right arrows pointing towards stairways, elavators, and on the 3rd floor towards the ADRC.

Posters & Signage

Demo Station Signage

Dimensions: 11″×17″

Created to be displayed above, pointing down to the iMac computers with the XenceLab tablets installed. Each poster also has a QR code leading to the survey.

Table Tents

Dimensions: 5.25″×16″

Table tents designed to be displayed on the front help desk in the ADRC. Helping to ease students to be comfortable asking the monitors how to work the XenceLab Tablets.

Welcome Signage

Dimensions: 8.5″×11″

Created to be displayed next the entrance of the ADRC, with an inverted color scheme resembling a stop sign. Emphasizing student’s arrival to the ADRC.

Computer Label

Dimensions: 2″×15″

Sticker label created to be displayed on the iMac computers with the XenceLab tablets installed. Each sticker has a QR code leading to the survey.

Art and Design

What is your current major within the School of Art and Design?

If you are an Art Studio Major, what is your concentration?

Survey Questions

Survey questions were primarily generated on a scale of 1-4 to primarily gauge art student Interest, Usage, Knowledge, and Experience, with drawing tablets, to understand what they like or did not like with no room for bias or indifference.


Have you ever used a Pen Tablet prior to this week?

If you have, on a scale of 1-4, how would you rate your experience with those tablets? 1 being poor, 4 being great.


After using the Xence Labs Pen Tablet today, on a scale of 1-4, how would you rate your experience? 1 being poor, 4 being great.

Do you have any comments about your experience with the Xence Labs Pen Tablet that you would like to share?


What programs have you used with the pen tablet?

Is there any software you would like to use that was not available on these computers?


After using the Pen Tablet today, on a scale of 1-4, how likely are you to use a pen tablet in the future? 1 being unlikely, 4 being very likely.

If the Texas State School of Art & Design were to supply computer labs with Pen Tablets, on a scale of 1-4, how likely are you seek out and use them? 1 being unlikely, 4 being very likely.

If the ADRC offered to rent out Xence Lab Pen Tablets to fellow Art & Design students, how likely are you to seek them out and use them? 1 being unlikely, 4 being very likely.




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